Privacy Policy

Who are we?

Shenzhen GrowattSmten New Energy CO., Ltd(known as GrowattSmten) is dedicated in becoming the world class new energy solution provider, will build an intellectual solar monitoring software. GrowattSmten will provide remote monitoring for your solar plant through ShineServer.

Shenzhen GrowattSmten New Energy Co., Ltd. respects your personal privacy rights. The purpose of this agreement is to explain how we collect, share and use your personal information and how you can exercise your privacy rights. If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, please contact us through the contact information shown at the bottom of this agreement.

GrowattSmten will strictly comply with law and regulations, obey following privacy protecting principle to provide safer and more reliable service.

  • 1、Safety and reliability: GrowattSmten would avoid your information leakage, damage, and loss with reasonable information security technology and management procedures.
  • 2、Personal choice: GrowattSmten will provide a convenient information management option for you to make the right choice, manage your personal information.
  • 3、Communication secret protection: GrowattSmten will strictly comply with local law and regulations to protect your communication secret, and provide safe communication service.
  • 4、Reasonable necessity: To provide better service to you and other users, we only collect the necessary information.
  • 5、Clear and transparent: GrowattSmtenstrives to introduce privacy policies to you using concise and easy-to-understand statements so that you can clearly understand how our information is handled.
  • 6、Integrate privacy into product design: During each step of designing for product and service,GrowattSmten combines with law, product, and design reasons to protect your privacy.

  • This privacy policy will explain following objectives:
  • What information we collect?
  • How we use your information.
  • What rights you have?
  • Regarding changes to the privacy agreement;
  • Cookies and similar technologies;

  • Hope you could read this privacy policy carefully, understand how we collect and use the information to help you to make suitable choice.

  • If you use service from GrowattSmten means you already accept our policy. Besides all the terminologies used in this privacy policy will have the same meanings with above terms and conditions.

    If you have any question, please contact with GrowattSmten

    I.The information GrowattSmten collect

  • GrowattSmten will base on legal, right and necessary principles to collect needed information to achieve our functions.

  • 1.1 The information you give to GrowattSmten

  • 1.1.1 The information when you register.

  • The user name, email or mobile number would be only used for login verification GrowattSmten will encrypt your information for privacy policy.

  • 1.1.2 Upload the information when you use the service.

  • For example, when you upload your portrait during using ShineServer.

  • 1.2 The information we obtained when you use GrowattSmten service.

  • 1.2.1 Location information

  • When you are using service which needs recording location, GrowattSmten may record your equipment location information for providing certain service.

  • 1.2.2 WiFi datalogger configuration log

  • When you use the WiFi datalogger to configure, we will collect your configuration logs, such as: the configured WiFi name, current configuration steps, country and the current APP version, so that we can troubleshoot the reasons for the failure of the WiFi datalogger, improve the success rate of WiFi datalogger configuration and network configuration experience.

  • 1.2.3 Self-consumption, electricity consumption data record

  • When you purchase and use the storage inverter, the device will upload data related to the electricity meter, such as battery information, self-consumption information. Normally, these information only be used to show you your power generation and electricity consumption data, but this may involve recording your electricity consumption habits, and at the same time we may recommend some good electricity consumption habits and power saving methods to create higher economic benefits for you.

  • 1.2.4 When you use the service, we will obtain your IP address, GPS geographic location information upon request and consent.(Not mandatory)

  • 1.2.5 We may obtain the information you shared when you use a third-party monitoring platform to monitor power generation equipment through API. For example, when you use your account to log in to a third-party monitoring platform, we will obtain your login name and login time for the third-party partner service to facilitate your authorization management, as well as the information about the power generation equipment related to the GrowattSmten inverter that you monitor on the third-party platform , It is convenient for us to check the condition of the machine in the background during operation and maintenance.

    II. The personal data would be used for

  • GrowattSmten will strictly comply local law and regulations would used the collected information for following objectives, if GrowattSmten will used it for other objectives, GrowattSmten will explain for you and ask for permission.
  • • Provide service for you.
  • • Fulfil your customized needs like : language setting, location setting and personal help service.
  • • Product development and service optimization. Like: when GrowattSmten system is down, GrowattSmten will record and analysis systemic error information and optimize GrowattSmten service.
  • • Safety Guarantee: GrowattSmten will use your information for authentication, safety precaution, anti-fraud detection, archive backup, client’s safety service and so on.
  • • Software management, like software certification, software updating and so on.

  • For better customer experience and better service improvement purpose or other usage with client’s acceptance, comply with local law, GrowattSmten may use certain part of information for other GrowattSmten service, like when you are using one of GrowattSmten service, your information may be used in other GrowattSmten service to display your customized service.

  • To ensure the service safety, help GrowattSmten to get better understanding of ShineServer’s working status, GrowattSmten may record certain information. Like: GrowattSmten may record the frequency you use ShineServer, error information, total usage condition, performance data and source of ShineServer. GrowattSmten will not integrate your information with our analysis software.

    III. How to manage your information by yourself

  • 3.1 You can access, modify and delete the registration information and other personal information you provide during the use of our services, or you can contact us by the notification guidelines. The scope and manner in which you access, modify, and delete personal information will depend on the specific services you use. For example, if you want to stop sharing your geographic location information while using a location-related service, You can stop sharing via mobile location shutdown, hardware and software service provider, and communication service provider shutdown.
  • 3.2 GrowattSmten will follow this policy to achieve product or service functions to collect or use your data. If you find GrowattSmten against the law, regulations, or agreement to use your personal information, you can ask GrowattSmten to delete your information. If you find GrowattSmten collect or store the wrong personal information you can ask for modification. Please contact us through the contact information specified in this policy.
  • 3.3 When you access, modify, and delete relevant information, we may ask you to authenticate to secure your account.
  • 3.4 Please understand that due to technical limitations, and legal or regulatory requirements, we may not be able to meet all your requirements and we will respond to your request within a reasonable time limit.

    IV. How we share information

  • GrowattSmten complies with local law and regulation, has a strict limitation on information sharing, like:

  • 4.1 With your permission in advance, GrowattSmten may share your personal information with a third-party, such as Amazon and Google Audio. The voice broadcast and push service of power generation information will be pushed on the APP only after you enable authorization.
  • 4.2 In order to achieve the purpose of operation and maintenance services, we may cooperate with third-party partners (third-party service providers, contractors, distributors/installers, application developers, etc., for example, service providers who send out emails or push notifications on our behalf, map service providers that provide us with location services) (they may not be located in your jurisdiction) for the following purposes: >
  • 4.2.1 Provide you with our service.
  • 4.2.2 Distributors/installers provide you with remote and offline operation and maintenance services through the platform;
  • 4.2.3 Achieve the purpose of the”How to manage your information” part.
  • 4.2.4 Comply with GrowattSmten” Service agreement” or this policy’s obligations.
  • 4.2.5 Understand, maintain and improve our services. If we share your information with third parties, we will use encryption, anonymous processing, and other means to ensure your information security
  • 4.2.6 Distributors and installers request to obtain the device data you purchased from them and build their own platform to realize the independent maintenance through API. We will protect your data as much as possible. All distributors and installers who obtain data from the platform are required to do only for operation and maintenance related purposes, and strictly comply with GDPR privacy management regulations, you can also contact GrowattSmten to cancel this permission.
  • 4.3 GrowattSmten may reveal your data for the following reasons.
  • 4.3.1 Comply with local law and regulations.
  • 4.3.2 Comply with a court decision or other regulations.
  • 4.3.3 Comply with requests from the government or other legal organizations.
  • 4.3.4 We have reason to believe that we need to comply with laws and regulations and other relevant provisions;
  • 4.3.5 To comply with a service agreement or this policy, restricted to safeguard the public interest, to protect GrowattSmten, clients or other clients or employees safety or other legitimate

    V. GrowattSmten may send you message.

  • 5.1Information push
  • When you are using GrowattSmten service, GrowattSmten may send you email, text message, message and push notification.
  • 5.2 Announcement with service

  • When necessary(like system maintenance to pause certain service) GrowattSmten will send you announcement about service, you may not cancel this announcement.

    VI. Terms and location of information storage.

  • 6.1 location of information storage.
  • GrowattSmten comply with law and regulations, all the domestic information would be stored in domestic area.
  • 6.2 Terms of information storage.
  • Generally, GrowattSmten keeps your information for shortest time. But under following conditions GrowattSmten may modify the storage time.
  • 6.2.1Comply with local law and regulations.
  • 6.2.2Comply with court decision or other regulations.
  • 6.2.3Comply with requests from government or other legal organization.

  • GrowattSmten has reason to comply with law and regulation.
  • 6.2.5 To comply with service agreement or this policy, restricted in order to safeguard public interest, to protect GrowattSmten, clients or other clients or employees safety or other legitimate
  • 6.2.6 When users who have not been active for a long time and have not logged in for a certain period of time without data transmission, GrowattSmten may clean up data regularly

  • When GrowattSmten product or service terminated, GrowattSmten will use like push announcement, pubic announcement to inform you and delete or cryptonym you personal information.

    UII. Information security

  • GrowattSmten will provide security to you information to avoid loss, improper using, unauthorized visiting or exposing it.
  • 7.1 GrowattSmten will comply with local law and regulations to protect your information.
  • 7.2 GrowattSmten will use various security protection methods within a reasonable security level to ensure the security of information. For example, we use encryption technology (for example, TLS, SSL, MD5), anonymization and other means to protect your personal information.
  • 7.3 GrowattSmten set up special management system, procedures and organizations to protect your information. Like GrowattSmten strictly narrow the authorized people, ask them to obey secrecy obligations and monitor them.
  • 7.4 If there is any personal information disclosure cases GrowattSmten will start emergency preplan and will inform you with push announcement or public announcement.

    VIII. Scope of work

  • All GrowattSmten service would fulfill this policy. With certain service has its specialized privacy request, if there is difference between this policy and specialized privacy request, please follow the specialized request.
  • Please notice this policy is not fit for the service provided by other company or individuals. Like you login GrowattSmten account to use other company or individual service.
  • If you use the third-party service you should accept their privacy policy, so you need read carefully.

    IX. How you data is transferred globally.

  • GrowattSmten is a multinational company, which means that your data collected by GrowattSmten may be processed in countries/regions where you use the product or service, in other regions where GrowattSmten or its affiliates, subsidiaries or service providers, business partners with institutions, or be visited from these countries/regions. These countries/areas may have different data protection laws. In such cases, we will take measures to ensure that the data we collect is processed by the requirements of this policy and applicable law. Including when data from EU-based data subjects are transferred to countries or regions that are not recognized by the EU at the same level of data protection, we use various legal mechanisms, such as signing standard contract terms approved by the European Commission or requesting your consent to cross-border data transfer or implementing security measures such as data anonymity before cross-border data transfer.

    X. The right of data owner

  • When GrowattSmten process or take your personal data at any time you have following rights:
  • • Access right, you have the right to get your data from GrowattSmten.
  • • Correction right, you have the right to correct your data from GrowattSmten if it is incomplete or incorrect.
  • • Discard right, with certain conditions you can ask GrowattSmten to delete your information
  • • Process limit right, under certain conditions you can ask GrowattSmten to limit the process of your data.
  • • Transfer right, you have the right to transfer your data from GrowattSmten to another organization.
  • • Reject right, you have the right to reject some process like direct marketing.
  •   Reject auto process right you have right to reject auto process’s legal effect.
  • • Judicial examination power, if the organization reject your access right GrowattSmten will explain the reason to you.
  • When processing your personal data if there is involved for third party will send above requests.

    XI. Acceptance of this policy

  • By accept this privacy policy means you allow GrowattSmten to process your personal data for certain purpose. When GrowattSmten process your personal data, GrowattSmten already get your permission. If GrowattSmten ask you to provide sensitive data, GrowattSmten will tell you the reason and how to use the data, you can reject the request at anytime.(Contact email:[email protected])

    XII. Compliant

  • If you want to complain how GrowattSmten process your personal data or how to process your complaint you have the right to complain to regulatory authority, organization data protection representative, data protection office or GDPR owners

    XIII. Contact GrowattSmten

  • If you have any doubt or other matters you can follow our instruction fill up the form and send your doubt to [email protected]. After verify your user identification GrowattSmten will reply your question as soon as possible.

    XIV. Regarding changes to the privacy agreement

  • 14.1 We may revise the content of this policy in due course. If such changes will result in a substantial reduction of your rights under this policy, we will notify you by prompting in a prominent position on the page before the changes take effect. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you are deemed to have accepted the revised policy. For major revisions, we will also provide more noticeable notices (including for some services, we will notify you through website announcements to explain the specific changes to the privacy policy).
  • The major changes referred to in this policy include but not limited to:
  • 14.2 Significant changes in service model. Such as the purpose of processing user information, the type of user information processed, and the way the user information is used, etc.;
  • 14.3 Significant changes have taken place in our control rights and organizational structure. Such as owner change caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers, etc.;
  • 14.4 The main objects of user information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed;
  • 14.5 Significant changes for your rights to participate in user information processing and the method to exercise it;
  • 14.6 Changes happened in the responsible department, contact information and complaint channels responsible for handling user information security;
  • 14.7 When the user information security impact assessment report shows that there is a high risk.
  • 14.8 We recommend that you regularly check the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of the services on your mobile phone and/or any other device will be deemed to have accepted the updated privacy policy.

    XV. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

  • 15.1. In order to ensure the normal operation of the website, to provide you with a more relaxed visit experience, and to realize some functions of the webpage, we will store a small data file named Cookie on your computer or mobile device. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. GrowattSmten only reads the cookies provided by GrowattSmten, which is only for necessary function realization.
  • 15.2. With the help of cookies, your preference data can be stored. When you visit the page next, we will display the information you need; or GrowattSmten can identify your source website through cookies, so that GrowattSmten can know the visit of the website.
  • 15.3. You can clear all cookies saved on your computer. Most web browsers have a function to block cookies. But if you do this, you will need to change your user settings every time you visit website. To learn more about how to change browser settings, please visit the relevant settings page of the browser you are using.